When you eat and drink, your body absorbs the liquid. The kidneys filter out waste products

BUT there are some or many people lose urine when they don't want to. When this happens enough to be a problem, it is called Urinary Incontinence (UI).
- Urinary tract infection
- Vaginal infection or irritation
- Constipation
- Effect of medicine
Some incontinence can be also caused by other conditions that are not temporary: -
- Weakness of muscles that hold the bladder in place
- Weakness of the bladder itself
- Weakness of the urethral sphincter muscles
- Overactive bladder muscles
- Blocked urethra
- Hormone imbalance in women
- Neurologic disorders
- Immobility
I got to know this Doctor at Penang through one of my student. Recently, he met a patient whom share the same fate with other 10 million suffering UI and has bothered her for some time. She was afraid to consult medical check up at first and could not concentrate her daily routine. Many women experience UI can be slightly bothersome or totally debilitating. For some women, the risk of public embarrassment keeps them from enjoying many activities with their family and friends. Some women may lose a few drops of urine while running or coughing. Others may feel a strong, sudden urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine. Pitiful~ Wetting their own pants might be abit troublesome ya..=p
Oh, urine loss can also occur during sexual activity which cause tremendous emotional distress. Hmm yea, imagine yourself having an intercourse with a lady, you're humping, and humping and keep humping and all of sudden her P *ahem* start spilling some watery liquid, you feel yourself mighty as Tarzan, king of the jungle being able to rock her till she reach orgasm discharging sweet nectar of God's creation. But the truth is, she tells you its a false alarm and the liquid dripping out is actually her juicy urine. You turn on the light seeing your 'member' fully soak like you're eating cheese fundae and find yourself in a dilemma whether wanna fire your cannon. Banana Dip, anyone? So, the next time you rocking, go slow, play safe. You don't wanna end up...what we call in Boleh-land POTONG STIM!!
Rest assure ladies, there are many treatment that cure this problem. Be brave to face it and consult health care provider. BTW, there are some food/drink you should avoid in order not to aggravate Bladder Control Problems. Here's the list: -
- All alcoholic beverages
- Apples, apple juice
- Apricots
- Avocados
- BBQ sauce
- Bananas
- Beer
- Beets
- Cabbage
- Caffeine
- Cantaloupes
- Carbonated drinks
- Cheese
- Chicken livers
- Chillies/spicy foods
- Chocolate
- Citrus fruits
- Coffee
- Cocktail sauce
- Cola
- Corned beef
- Cranberries
- Cranberry juice and sauce
- Grapefruit, Grapefruit juice
- Grapes, Grape juice
- Green pepper
- Guava
- Honey
- Hot sauce
- Jalapeno
- Ketchup
- Lemons, lemon juice
- Lentils
- Lima beans
- Limes, lime juice
- Mustard
- Mayonaise
- Artificial sweetners
- Nuts
- Onions
- Oranges, orange juice
- Peaches
- Pickles
- Pickled herring
- Pineapple, Pineapple juice
- Pizza with tomato sauce
- Plums
- Prunes
- Raisins
- Red pepper
- Relish
- Rhubarb
- Rye Bread
- Salad Dressing
- Salsa
- Saccharine
- Sauerkraut
- Soda pop
- Sour cream
- Soy sauce
- Spaghetti sauce
- Steak sauce
- Strawberries
- Sweet/sour sauce
- Tea
- Tobacco
- Tomatoes
- Tomato juice, sauce and soup
- Vinegar
- Vitamins with aspartate
- Vitamin C and B complex
- Watermelon
- Yogurt
Hmm, some list eh?
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